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Found 133 Results
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  • Race and Inequality in American Politics

    An Imperfect Union


    Hajnal, Zoltan L.
    Hutchings, Vincent L.
    Lee, Taeku
    Published: Not yet published - available from October 2024

    $44.99 (C)

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  • The Anger Rule

    Racial Inequality and Constraints on Black Politicians

    Banks, Antoine J.
    White, Ismail K.
    Published: Not yet published - available from October 2024

    c.$29.99 ( )

  • We Choose You

    How Black Voters Decide Which Candidates to Support

    Wamble, Julian J.
    Published: Not yet published - available from September 2024

    $34.99 (P)

  • Land, Promise, and Peril

    Race and Stratification in the Rural South

    Coleman, Mary D.
    Published: April 2023

    $120.00 (F)

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  • Recognition Politics

    Indigenous Rights and Ethnic Conflict in the Andes

    Fontana, Lorenza B.
    Published: April 2024

    $34.99 (F)

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  • Antiracist Discourse

    Theory and History of a Macromovement

    van Dijk, Teun A.
    Published: March 2024

    $29.99 (F)

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  • Asian Americans in an Anti-Black World

    Kim, Claire Jean
    Published: September 2023

    $39.99 (G)

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  • Democracy and Empire

    Labor, Nature, and the Reproduction of Capitalism

    Valdez, Inés
    Published: September 2023

    $110.00 (F)

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  • Caste, Knowledge, and Power

    Ways of Knowing in Twentieth Century Malabar

    K. N., Sunandan
    Published: April 2023

    $99.99 (F)

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  • The Economics of Structural Racism

    Stratification Economics and US Labor Markets

    Mason, Patrick L.
    Published: April 2023

    $29.99 (P)

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  • Dying Abroad

    The Political Afterlives of Migration in Europe

    Award Winner

    Balkan, Osman
    Published: April 2023

    $110.00 (F)

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  • The Cambridge Handbook of Race and Surveillance

    Kwet, Michael
    Published: March 2023

    $155.00 (R)

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  • The Love Jones Cohort

    Single and Living Alone in the Black Middle Class

    Marsh, Kris
    Published: February 2023

    $29.99 (G)

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  • The Unfinished Politics of Race

    Histories of Political Participation, Migration, and Multiculturalism

    Back, Les
    Keith, Michael
    Shukra, Kalbir
    (+ 1 other)
    Published: December 2022

    $34.99 (P)

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  • Majorities, Minorities, and the Future of Nationhood

    Orgad, Liav
    Koopmans, Ruud
    Published: November 2022

    $34.99 (P)

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  • Understanding Race

    DeSalle, Rob
    Tattersall, Ian
    Published: October 2022

    $14.95 (T)

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  • We're Not OK

    Black Faculty Experiences and Higher Education Strategies

    Allen, Antija M.
    Stewart, Justin T.
    Published: May 2022

    $29.99 (G)

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  • Inequality

    Keister, Lisa A.
    Southgate, Darby E.
    Published: April 2022
    2nd Edition

    $44.99 (C)

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  • Rituals, Runaways, and the Haitian Revolution

    Collective Action in the African Diaspora

    Eddins, Crystal Nicole
    Published: April 2022
    2nd Edition

    $29.99 (F)

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  • Second-Class Daughters

    Black Brazilian Women and Informal Adoption as Modern Slavery

    Award Winner

    Hordge-Freeman, Elizabeth
    Published: March 2022

    $29.99 (P)

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Found 133 Results
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