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Found 189 Results
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  • Ibn Khaldûn: Political Thought

    Ibn Khaldun
    Martinez-Gros, Gabriel
    Bailey Galietti, Anna
    Published: Not yet published - available from January 2025

    Price is not yet set

  • Bartolus of Sassoferrato

    Three Tracts on City Government and Related Writings

    Bartolus of Sassoferrato
    Published: Not yet published - available from September 2024

    c.$34.99 ( )

  • Volney: ‘The Ruins' and ‘Catechism of Natural Law'

    Volney, Constantin
    Kidd, Lucy
    Published: February 2024

    $34.99 (P)

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  • Political Rhetoric in Theory and Practice

    A Reader

    Bartlett, Robert C.
    Behnegar, Nasser
    Published: November 2023

    $34.99 (P)

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  • Caliphate and Imamate

    An Anthology of Medieval Muslim Texts on Political Theology

    Ansari, Hassan
    Husayn, Nebil
    Published: November 2023

    $34.99 (P)

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  • Catharine Macaulay: Political Writings

    Macaulay, Catharine
    Skjönsberg, Max
    Published: March 2023

    $29.99 (P)

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  • Albert Venn Dicey: Writings on Democracy and the Referendum

    Conti, Gregory
    Dicey, Albert Venn
    Published: February 2023

    $29.99 (P)

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  • Medieval Muslim Mirrors for Princes

    An Anthology of Arabic, Persian and Turkish Political Advice

    Published: January 2023

    $29.99 (P)

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  • W. E. B. Du Bois: International Thought

    Du Bois, W. E. B.
    Getachew, Adom
    Pitts, Jennifer
    Published: November 2022

    $29.99 (P)

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  • The Political Thought of the Irish Revolution

    Bourke, Richard
    Gallagher, Niamh
    Published: May 2022

    $29.99 (P)

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  • Political Thought in Portugal and its Empire, c.1500–1800

    Cardim, Pedro
    Monteiro, Nuno Goncalo
    Published: October 2021
    Volume 1

    $29.99 (P)

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  • The Essentials of Governance

    Jing, Wu
    Published: March 2021

    $31.99 (P)

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  • William Penn: Political Writings

    Murphy, Andrew R.
    Published: January 2021

    $31.99 (P)

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  • Kumazawa Banzan: Governing the Realm and Bringing Peace to All below Heaven

    Banzan, Kumazawa
    Published: January 2021

    $31.99 (P)

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  • The Political Writings of Alexander Hamilton

    Hamilton, Alexander
    Holloway, Carson
    Wilson, Bradford P.
    Published: March 2020
    Volume 2. 1789-1804

    $44.99 (R)

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  • The Political Writings of Alexander Hamilton

    Hamilton, Alexander
    Holloway, Carson
    Wilson, Bradford P.
    Published: March 2020
    Volume 1. 1769-1789

    $44.99 (R)

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  • The Political Writings of Alexander Hamilton

    Hamilton, Alexander
    Holloway, Carson
    Wilson, Bradford P.
    Published: March 2020

    $88.99 (R)

    Multiple copy pack

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  • Black Political Thought

    From David Walker to the Present

    Pinder, Sherrow O.
    Published: January 2020

    $55.99 (X)

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  • Machiavelli: The Prince

    Machiavelli, Niccolo
    Skinner, Quentin
    Price, Russell
    Published: February 2019
    2nd Edition

    $15.99 (X)

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  • Rousseau: The Social Contract and Other Later Political Writings

    Gourevitch, Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    Published: December 2018
    2nd Edition

    $23.99 (X)

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Found 189 Results
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