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Found 28 Results
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  • Homelessness, Liberty and Property

    Skolnik, Terry
    Published: Not yet published - available from October 2024

    $130.00 (F)


  • Natural Property Rights

    Claeys, Eric R.
    Published: Not yet published - available from October 2024

    $130.00 (F)


  • Australian Property Law

    Principles to Practice

    Nancarrow, Michael
    Carruthers, Penny
    White, Steven
    (+ 3 others)
    Published: Not yet published - available from May 2024

    $127.00 (C)

    Print/online bundle

  • Property Law

    Comparative, Empirical, and Economic Analyses

    Chang, Yun-chien
    Published: June 2023

    $135.00 (F)

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  • Squatting and the State

    Resilient Property in an Age of Crisis

    Fox O'Mahony, Lorna
    Roark, Marc L.
    Published: August 2022

    $39.99 (P)

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  • Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Property Opinions

    Rodriguez-Dod, Eloisa C.
    Marty-Nelson, Elena Maria
    Published: October 2021

    $49.99 (P)

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  • Understanding the Law of Assignment

    Tham, C. H.
    Published: June 2021

    $45.00 (C)

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  • A Liberal Theory of Property

    Dagan, Hanoch
    Published: April 2021

    $36.99 (P)

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  • Destabilized Property

    Property Law in the Sharing Economy

    Kreiczer-Levy, Shelly
    Published: April 2021

    $33.99 (C)

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  • Property Law in a Globalizing World

    Lehavi, Amnon
    Published: November 2020

    $36.99 (C)

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  • A Student's Guide to Equity and Trusts


    Bray, Judith
    Published: October 2020
    2nd Edition

    $40.99 (X)

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  • Principles of Property Law

    Clarke, Alison
    Published: July 2020

    $54.99 (X)

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  • Moffat's Trusts Law

    Text and Materials


    Garton, Jonathan
    Probert, Rebecca
    Bean, Gerry
    Published: June 2020
    7th Edition

    $59.99 (X)

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  • Pierson v. Post, The Hunt for the Fox

    Law and Professionalization in American Legal Culture

    Fernandez, Angela
    Published: November 2019

    $31.99 (C)

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  • Rural Land Takings Law in Modern China

    Origin and Evolution

    Peng, Chun
    Published: August 2019

    $42.99 (C)

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  • Law and Economics of Possession

    Chang, Yun-chien
    Published: July 2019

    $42.99 (C)

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  • Property Theory

    Legal and Political Perspectives

    Penner, James
    Otsuka, Michael
    Published: August 2018

    $42.99 (C)

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  • The Constitutional Protection of Private Property in China

    Historical Evolution and Comparative Research

    Wang, Chuanhui
    Published: October 2018

    $42.99 (C)

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  • Owned

    Property, Privacy, and the New Digital Serfdom

    Fairfield, Joshua A. T.
    Published: July 2017

    $35.99 (G)

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  • The Boundaries of Australian Property Law


    Esmaeili, Hossein
    Grigg, Brendan
    Published: September 2016

    $114.99 (X)

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